My basement as a metaphore
Under my house, almost a separate
entity, detached from the daily life above yet breathing with it, and in so
many ways maintaining it. It clicks, it clacks,
it hums and it whispers while mysterious
apparatus opens and closes performing mysterious duties.
water rolling in the pipes, the electricity flowing in unknown directions,
without warning the furnace comes to life shaking the whole house above. It is
a working, living machine with shortcuts and extensions, with living parts and
dead parts, and those still in question.
Behind all the noise and the
frantic activity, in the dim, quiet corners, spiders weave their webs. Elaborate, delicate creations, grey soft puffs
moving slightly with each wisp of air.
walk underneath with my ominous vacuum cleaner and its long black hose in search
for these delicate silvery formations of dust and silk hanging from the ceiling,
my head up in the sky my legs knocking tools , and nails and electricity cords.
of all colors, it covers dead electricity lines, that no one needs no more, and
pipes, so many in all width and shapes and ages some still in use, some forever
clogged and their use forgotten.
My head up, I am on a mission to find them all, in their hidden corners where they grow
and grow and wrap themselves around till they smother everything.
clink and the clunk, the hum and the air leaving the furnace, the vacuum
huffing and puffing and the quiet, crafty cobwebs in the corners, It is a
working, living machine, my basement.
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